Monday, March 28, 2011

Spring Break Project

I've come to a conclusion on what I would like to attempt once again as my personal project. Kinetic Typography. Seems like not a lot of people can't figure out much to do in this text-based art so I'm going to give it a shot but this time with After Effects.

My first attempt was all done in Sony Vegas which I didn't like at all due to the text on how it wasn't fluid enough as they came onto the stage. Here was my first attempt:

and here's a hint on my 2nd attempt ;)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Pogo Tours North America Trailer

So I finally finished my motion graphics final and boy was that a bit of work. I can see how much time you spend just sampling sounds from a movie...Anyways Pogo just toured the US and wanted to do something as a contribution so I decided to make a trailer for his US tour.

The trailer consists of footage from other users that attended his shows around the states.

Special thanks to :

for borrowing your footage. It was a fun project to do, it kind of gave me a glimpse of how Pogo does these tracks that he works on. I'm sure this is just a small portion that may not take as long as the rest of the process to get an amazing track up. Anyways here's the video:

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Pogo live @ Lot 613

Whew what a weekend. Saw Pogo's last performance and not only that I finally got to see Swashbuckle and HR PufnStuf oh and not only that, i've recorded the entire set so I'll be uploading his set in a couple hours. Currently fixing sound distortion...I took some footage on my phone(Samsung Focus) and the sound quality came out better than my HD Camera....So much for that..but here's what I've gotten so far. This section will be updated as I upload the footage to youtube.

Monday, March 7, 2011

3 flavors of 8 Bit

If you don't have this on your iPods yet, I recommend putting them on now. 3 Flavors of 8 Bit is a collaboration done by Dainumo, Jeesh and P.SUS using sound bits from Super Mario Bros. to Pacman.

So plug in your headphones, turn up the volume and let the harmonic 8 bit symphony do the rest. Your ears will thank you.

Tune in!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Pogo live @The Highline Ballroom

Well I couldn't find any footage of his Bourbon Street performance nor can I find any from the engine room but here's Pogo @ the big apple. Thanks to netnet336 for uploading the footage.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Pogo live @ the black cat

It's the first showing of Pogo for his North America tour and the first set of videos are up. Pogo is currently in Baltimore for his second show and will be in the Engine Room, Tallahassee, FL. Check out his next showings @

Thanks again to NinjaVanishQuickly for uploading these videos! Hope to see more videos for his upcoming shows!