Tuesday, August 16, 2011

List of videos/tracks I've been enjoying

Just some tracks I've been really listening to after the Mulan video.

Cindarella (Unreleased Pogo Track)

Edited by rilopilot


Aladdin (Unreleased Pogo Track)
Visuals by 1tzp0w3r


Mess-around track by P.SUS


Au Désirable (A Series of Unfortunate Events remix) by imShijun


Bread and Butterflies
Visuals by iMoonatic
Track by Pogo

Monday, August 15, 2011

D!tto - Close Your Eyes

Here's a video I made for D!tto's track 'Close Your Eyes.' Recently, I've been listening to this track multiple times during the hour and I wanted to make a video for D!tto, thanking him for such a beautiful track.

I wanted to use, Walt Disney's 'Mulan' due to that it really compliments D!tto's track. At least when I listen to it, Mulan was the first thing to pop into my head.

Anyway, hope you all enjoy!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Oldies but goodies

Can't believe it's been over a year now since I've made these videos! School project for one of my classes featuring some of the coolest guys at the Art Institute!

-Jason Tong
-Kyle Bardiau
-Levi Castellon

Video remakes are from one of the best band/rap group in the world! View and enjoy :)

'Intergalactic Remake'

'Sabotage Remake'

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Mashtronaut's new videos

It's been a while since I've done a post, supporting music artists. School and other special events have been happening. Mainly MLG weekend...Anyway this Mashtronaut fellow has been making videos left and right that I've added them to my "watch later" section. 'Rosebud' being his new video, is quite addicting. Check it out!


'Raindrops on Roses'

-Video by 1tzp0w3r
-Musice by Mashtronaut1